Awesome Soccer Moves
The Hook Protection

Among awesome soccer moves, the Hook Protection is efficient and used for ball possession. This move can be executed by strikers, midfielders, and defenders. It is not well known but brings style and beauty to the game.

I have used the hook protection as an offensive midfielder in different occasions. I made it well known when I was playing soccer. I kept the fans screaming while tracing in circle a series of hooks protection. The game was fun and professional at the same time by keeping control of the ball.

Would like to learn how to perform this awesome soccer trick?

Awesome soccer moves


1. You are the one controlling the ball in full speed.

2. Your opponents are running on your left and right sides to get the ball.

3. You may have another opponent coming straight towards you in full speed.

4. Bend a little on your left side. Then stop the ball with the inside of your right foot.

5. Trace rapidly one, two, three or more hooks in counter clock position to protect your ball.

6. Control the ball safely in front of you. Leave all your opponents behind you.

7. Proceed by passing, or controlling the ball in the new direction you are now.

Amazing! Right? Awesome soccer moves are great and efficient.


The hook protection move should be executed in rapid sequences. It requires good flexibility from the player. So be prepared to work on speed, flexibility, turns, ball control to execute this move.

Keep the ball on the ground. That’s the best way to execute this skill. Use your body to create a string of hooks by bending towards the left side. You can then trace as many hooks as you want. The outcome is to protect your ball and pass it to your teammates.

This move is helping in some situations where you do not have enough space during the game. It may be near the corner kick area, the side line, while you are in between two or more opponents.

Just be creative and bring out your skillful hook protection move to send off balance your opponents. It is fun, beautiful, and efficient.

Awesome soccer move : The Hook Protection

My own experience

My favorite moment to use this move was during offensive of our team. I loved to perform it near the side line just in front of the fans. I will therefore execute a series of hooks protection with elegance.

At the same time, I was able to reverse the game by sending the ball to the other side of the pitch. The fans were screaming and I was all smiles in my face.

You can practice this move and become a master of it. Keep the flames burning by learning and using the hook protection move.

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